Voice Notes

Galego - Voice Notes

Galego speech to text converter app allows you to take Galego voice and/or text notes and play them back. The app uses google speech recognition api to convert your Galego voice into text.

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Add New Voice Note

Press the Start Recognition button and allow access.

My Voice Notes

  • You don't have any notes.

About Voice Notes?

Voice Notes is a free online speech-to-text app which assist you to transcription of any type of documents, books, reports, blog posts, etc by using your voice. Voice-to-text software is exceptionally valuable for people who have difficulty using their hands due to trauma, people with dyslexia or disabilities that limit the use of conventional input devices.

Speech Notes app uses the Web Speech API to build a voice powered note app to do 3 things:

How to use this speech to text converter app?

Add A New Voice or Text Note

  1. ​Click on the Start Recognition Button and give the app permission to use your microphone, and start speaking your note (if no microphone or you don't want to use the microphone you can type into the text box.)

  2. ​When done speaking click on the "Pause Recognition" button, and then click the "Save Note" button. (if you you typed your note in to the text box you do not need to click on the "Pause Recognition" button, just click the "Save Note" button.)

Listen To Notes

  1. Click on the "Listen to Note" link next to the date of the note that you want to listen to.

Delete Voice Notes

  1. Click on the "Delete" link next to the date of the note that you want to delete.

Who can use speech notes app?

Voice Notes is used daily by students, teachers, writers, bloggers, news reporters around the world. It will assist you in minimizing your writing efforts significantly. Accuracy levels higher than 90% should be expected (around 95% for the English US).

List of supported languages.
